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Ultrasound contrast agents

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Popular reading material:


Ultrasound contrast agents modeling: a review.

Michel Versluis, Eleanor Stride, Guillaume Lajoinie,

Benjamin Dollet, and Tim Segers. 

Ultrasound Med. Biol. 46, 2117–2144 (2020).


Microbubble Agents: New Directions (review).

Eleanor Stride, Tim Segers, Guillaume Lajoinie, Samir Cherkaoui, Thierry Bettinger, Michel Versluis, and Mark Borden.

Ultrasound Med. Biol. 46, 1326–1343 (2020).


Piezo-acoustic inkjet printing

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Bubble microfluidics and interfacial physics

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Feedback-controlled microbubble generator producing one million monodisperse bubbles per second.

Benjamin van Elburg, Gonzalo Collado Lara, Gert-Wim Bruggert, Tim Segers, Michel Versluis and Guillaume Lajoinie.

Rev. Sci. Instrum. 92, 035110 (2021).


Microbubbles for Medical Applications.

Tim Segers, Nico de Jong, Detlef Lohse, and Michel Versluis.

in 'Microfluidics for Medicine'. 

Albert van den Berg and Loes Segerink (Eds.),

RSC Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Series.

ISBN: 978-1-84973-637-4,

The Royal Society of Chemistry (2015). 

High-speed imaging

High-speed imaging is in popular demand for a broad range of scientific applications, including fluid physics, and bubble and droplet dynamics. It allows for a detailed visualization of the event under study by acquiring a series of images captured at high temporal and spatial resolution. The challenge here is the combined microscopic length scales and ultrashort time scales associated with the mechanisms governing fluid flows. We utilize ultra high-speed imaging at frame rates exceeding 10 million frames per second (fps) using novel ultrafast sensor technologies and ultrashort nanoseconds flash illumination techniques. The Brandaris 128 ultra high-speed imaging facility combines the optical frame of a rotating mirror camera with 128 CCD sensors and can record at a maximum frame rate of 25 Mfps. 


Popular reading material:


High-speed imaging in fluids (review).

Michel Versluis. 

Exp. Fluids 54, 1458:1–35 (2013).


Brandaris ultra high-speed imaging facility.

Guillaume Lajoinie, Nico de Jong and Michel Versluis.

in ‘The micro-world observed by ultra high-speed cameras”,

K. Tsuji (Editor).

ISBN 978-3-319-61490-8

Springer International Publishing (2018).



Blood flow quantification

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Popular reading material:


Blood flow quantification in peripheral arterial disease: emerging diagnostic techniques in vascular surgery (review).

Stefan Engelhard, Lennart van de Velde, Erik Groot Jebbink, Kartik Jain, Jos Westenberg, Clark J. Zeebregts, Michel Versluis, and Michel M.P.J. Reijnen.

Surg. Technol. Int. 38, 1410 (2021)


High-frame-rate contrast-enhanced US particle image velocimetry in the abdominal aorta: first human results.

Stefan Engelhard, Jason Voorneveld, Hendrik J. Vos, Jos J.M. Westenberg, Frank J.H. Gijsen, Pavel Taimr, Michel Versluis, Nico de Jong, Johan G. Bosch, Michel M.P.J. Reijnen, and Erik Groot Jebbink.

Radiology 289 (1), 119–125 (2018).

Ultrasound-triggered drug delivery

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Popular reading material:


The role of ultrasound-driven microbubble dynamics in drug delivery: from microbubble fundamentals to clinical translation (review). 

Silke Roovers, Tim Segers, Guillaume Lajoinie, Michel Versluis, Stefaan De Smedt, and Ine Lentacker.

Langmuir 35, 10173–10191 (2019).


In vitro methods to study bubble-cell interactions: fundamentals, and therapeutic applications (review).

Guillaume Lajoinie, Ine De Cock, Constantin C. Coussios, Ine Lentacker, Séverine Le Gac, 

Eleanor Stride, and Michel Versluis.

Biomicrofluidics 10, 011501 (2016).


Acoustic behavior of microbubbles and implications for drug delivery (review).

Klazina Kooiman, Hendrik J. Vos, Michel Versluis, and Nico de Jong.

Adv. Drug Deliv. Rev. 72, 28–48 (2014).


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