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Current h-index: 65 (Scopus)
Number of peer-reviewed publications: 250
Number of citations: 13,713

Web of Science ResearcherIDF-3541-2011


Google Scholar: h-index 76, citations 20,443, i10-index 199


Download full publication list hereherehere


Radio-frequency ablation for thyroid nodules (RATED study) - analysis of a learning curve and predictors of success.

M.M.D. van der Meeren, T. Boers, P. de Graaf, K.M. Duvivier, K.M.A. Dreijerink, L.N. Deden, P. Veendrick, P. Cernohorsky, F.B.M. Joosten, B.M.C. Savelberg, S.J. Braak, S.H.P.P. Roerink, M. Versluis, S. Manohar, and W.J.G. Oyen.

J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. (accepted, 2025).


Waveform-specific performance of deep learning-based ultrasound super-resolution models.

Rienk Zorgdrager, Nathan Blanken, Jelmer Wolterink, Michel Versluis, and Guillaume Lajoinie. 

IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Ferroelectr. Freq. Control (accepted, 2025).


Role of surfactants on droplet formation in piezoacoustic inkjet printing across microsecond-to-second timescales.
Maaike Rump, Christian Diddens, Uddalok Sen, Michel Versluis, Detlef Lohse, and Tim Segers. 
Phys. Rev. Appl. (accepted, 2025).


Ambient pressure sensitivity of subharmonically vibrating single microbubbles.
Sander Spiekhout, Yuchen Wang, Tim Segers, Klazina Kooiman, Michel Versluis, Jason Voorneveld, Nico de Jong, and Johannes G. Bosch.
Ultrasound Med. Biol. (accepted, 2025).


Frequency-domain decoding of cascaded dual-polarity waves for ultrafast ultrasound imaging.
Charlotte Nawijn, Joosje de Bakker, Tim Segers, Chris de Korte, Michel Versluis, Anne Saris, and Guillaume Lajoinie.
IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Ferroelectr. Freq. Control (accepted, 2025).


Controlling the stability of monodisperse phospholipid-coated microbubbles by tuning their buckling pressure.
Benjamin van Elburg, Anne Lassus, Samir Cherkaoui, Guillaume Lajoinie, Michel Versluis, 
and Tim Segers.
J. Colloid Interface Sci. 685, 449–457 (2025).


Stress-strain analysis of single ultrasound-driven microbubbles for viscoelastic shell characterization.
Charlotte L. Nawijn, Sander Spiekhout, Jason Voorneveld, Johannes G. Bosch, Michel Versluis, Tim Segers, and Guillaume P.R. Lajoinie.
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. (accepted, 2025).


Soft stereolithographic 3D printed phantoms for dual-modality particle image velocimetry (PIV).
E. Hosseinzadeh, H. Mirgolbabaee, L. van de Velde, M. Versluis, E. Groot Jebbink, A. Aguirre-Soto, and M. M. P. J. Reijnen
Exp. Fluids 66, 20 (2025)


​Additive manufacturing of 3D flow-focusing millifluidics for the production of mono-sized curable microdroplets.

Muhammad Saeed Saleem, Timothy T.K. Chan, Michel Versluis, Domink Krug, and Guillaume Lajoinie.

RSC Advances 14(53), 39276 (2024)


Optimizing high-intensity focused ultrasound-induced immunogenic cell-death using passive cavitation mapping as a monitoring tool.

Yanou Engelen, Dmitri V. Krysko, Iuliia Effimova, Karine Breckpot, Michel Versluis, Stefaan De Smedt, Guillaume Lajoinie, and Ine Lentacker.

J. Control. Release 375, 389–403 (2024).


Swirling flow quantification in helical stents using ultrasound velocimetry.

A. Ghanbarzadeh-Dagheyan, M. van Helvert, L. van de Velde, M.M.P.J. Reijnen, M. Versluis, and E. Groot Jebbink.

J. Endovasc. Ther. (on-line, 2024).


Second order and transverse flow visualization through three-dimensional particle image velocimetry in millimetric ducts.

N.C. Harte, D. Obrist, M. Versluis, E. Groot Jebbink, M. Caversaccio, W. Wimmer, and G.P.R. Lajoinie.
Exp. Therm. Fluid Sci. 159, 111296 (2024).


3D ultrasound guidance for radiofrequency ablation in an anthropomorphic thyroid nodule phantom.
Tim Boers, Sicco Braak, Wyger Brink, Michel Versluis, and Srirang Manohar.
Eur. Radiol. Exp. 8:115 (2024)


Deep learning-based segmentation of 3D ultrasound images of the thyroid.

Roxane Munsterman, Tim Boers, Sicco Braak, Jelmer M. Wolterink, Michel Versluis, and Srirang Manohar.

WFMUB Ultrasound Open 2(2), 100055 (2024).


PROTEUS: a physically realistic contrast-enhanced ultrasound simulator – Part I: Numerical methods.

Nathan Blanken, Baptiste Heiles, Alina Kuliesh, Michel Versluis, Kartik Jain, David Maresca, and Guillaume Lajoinie.

IEEE TUFFC (on-line, 2024).

Functionalized monodisperse microbubble production: Microfluidic method for fast, controlled, and automated removal of excess coating material.

Martin van den Broek, Michel Versluis, Albert van den Berg, and Tim Segers.

Microfluid. Nanofluid. 10, 120 (2024).


Are monodisperse phospholipid-coated microbubbles ’mono-acoustic’?.

Sander Spiekhout, Benjamin van Elburg, Jason Voorneveld, Nico de Jong, Michel Versluis, Johannes G. Bosch, and Tim Segers.

Appl. Phys. Lett. 124, 231601 (2024).


High-frame-rate ultrasound velocimetry in the healthy femoral bifurcation: a comparative study against 4-D flow magnetic resonance imaging.

Majorie van Helvert, Janna Ruisch, Joosje de Bakker, Anne Saris, Chris de Korte, Michel Versluis, Erik Groot Jebbink, and Michel Reijnen.

Ultrasound Med. Biol. 50(12), 1755–1763 (2024).


Validation of ultrasound velocimetry and computational fluid dynamics for flow assessment in femoral artery stenotic disease.

Lennart van de Velde, Majorie van Helvert, Stefan Engelhard, Ashkan Ghanbarzadeh-Dagheyan, Hadi Mirgolbabaee, Jason Voorneveld, Guillaume Lajoinie, Michel Versluis, Michel Reijnen,

and Erik Groot Jebbink.

J. Med. Imaging 11(3), 037001 (2024).


High-speed optical characterization of protein-and-nanoparticle-stabilized microbubbles for ultrasound-triggered drug release.

Charlotte L. Nawijn, Tim Segers, Guillaume Lajoinie, Sigrid Berg, Sofie Snipstad, Catharina de Lange Davies, and Michel Versluis.

Ultrasound Med. Biol. 50(8), 1099–1107 (2024)


Lesion eccentricity plays a key role in determining the pressure gradient of serial stenotic lesions.
L. van de Velde, E. Groot Jebbink, K. Jain, M. Versluis, and M.M.P.J. Reijnen.

Cardiovasc. Intervent. Radiol. 47(5), 533–542 (2024).


A unifying Rayleigh-Plesset-type equation for bubbles in viscoelastic media.

Alexandros T. Oratis, Kay Dijs, Guillaume Lajoinie, Michel Versluis, and Jacco H. Snoeijer.
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 155, 1593–1605 (2024).


An anthropomorphic thyroid phantom for ultrasound-guided radiofrequency ablation of nodules.

Tim Boers, Wyger Brink, Leonardo Bianchi, Paola Saccomandi, Johan van Hespen,

Germen Wennemars, Sicco Braak, Michel Versluis, and Srirang Manohar.

Med. Phys. 51(2), 826–838 (2024).


Ultrasound particle image velocimetry to investigate potential hemodynamic causes of limb thrombosis after endovascular aneurysm repair with the Anaconda device.
H. Mirgolbabaee, L. van de Velde, R. H. Geelkerken, M. Versluis, E. Groot Jebbink, and M.M.P.J. Reijnen
J. Endovasc. Ther. (on-line, 2023).


Dependence of sonoporation efficiency on microbubble size: an in vitro monodisperse microbubble study.

Benjamin van Elburg, Joke Deprez, Martin van den Broek, Stefaan C. De Smedt, Michel Versluis, Guillaume Lajoinie, Ine Lentacker, and Tim Segers.

J. Control. Release 363, 747–755 (2023).


Microbubble formation by flow-focusing: role of gas and liquid properties, and channel geometry.

Sarah Cleve, Anne Lassus, Christian Diddens, Benjamin van Elburg, Emmanuel Gaud, Samir  Cherkaoui, Michel Versluis, Tim Segers, and Guillaume Lajoinie.

J. Fluid Mech. 972, A27 (2023).


Coated microbubbles exploit shell buckling to swim.

Georges Chabouh, Marcel Mokbel, Benjamin van Elburg, Michel Versluis, Tim Segers, Sebastian Aland, Catherine Quilliet, and Gwennou Coupier.

Nature Comm. Eng. 2, 63 (2023).


Computational Fluid Dynamics for the prediction of endograft thrombosis in the superficial femoral artery.

Lennart van de Velde, Erik Groot Jebbink, Rob Hagmeijer, Michel Versluis, and Michel M.P.J. Reijnen.

J. Endovasc. Ther. 30(4), 615–627 (2023).


Selective evaporation at the nozzle exit in piezoacoustic inkjet printing.

Maaike Rump, Uddalok Sen, Roger Jeurissen, Hans Reinten, Michel Versluis, Detlef Lohse, 

Christian Diddens, and Tim Segers.

Phys. Rev. Appl. 19, 054056 (2023)

    - selected as Editors' Suggestion.


Ultrasound imaging in thyroid nodule diagnosis, therapy and follow-up: current status and future trends.

T. Boers, S.J. Braak, N.E.T. Rikken, M. Versluis, and S. Manohar.

J. Clin. Ultrasound 2023, 1-14 (2023).


Buckling of lipidic ultrasound contrast agents under quasi-static load.

Georges Chabouh, Benjamin van Elburg, Michel Versluis, Tim Segers, Catherine Quilliet, 

and Gwennou Coupier.

Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A. 381, 20220025 (2023).



Vorticity-induced flow-focusing leads to bubble entrainment in an inkjet printhead: synchrotron X‑ray and volume-of-fluid visualizations.
Maaike Rump, Youssef Saade, Uddalok Sen, Kamel Fezzaa, Michel Versluis, Detlef Lohse, and Tim Segers.
Phys. Rev. Fluids 7, 104004 (2022). 


Irrigant flow in the root canal during ultrasonic activation: a numerical fluid-structure interaction model and its validation.
C. Boutsioukis, B. Verhaagen, L.W.M. van der Sluis, and M. Versluis

Int. Endod. J. 55, 938-949 (2022).


Time-resolved absolute radius estimation of vibrating contrast microbubbles using an acoustical camera.
Sander Spiekhout, Jason Voorneveld, Benjamin van Elburg, Guillaume Renaud, Tim Segers, Guillaume P.R. Lajoinie, 

Michel Versluis, Martin D. Verweij, Nico de Jong, and Johannes G. Bosch.

J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 151(6), 3993–4003 (2022).


A theoretical framework for acoustically produced luminescence: from thermometry to ultrasound pressure field mapping.
Simon E. Michels, Guillaume Lajoinie, Saeid Hedayatrasa, Michel Versluis, Mathias Kersemans, and Philippe Smet.

J. Lumin. 248:118940 (2022). 


The response of dual-species bacterial biofilm to 2% and 5% NaOCl mixed with etidronic acid: real-time evaluation by optical coherence tomography.
M.M.B. Borges, R.J.B. Dijkstra, F.B. Andrade, M.A.H. Duarte, M. Versluis, L.W.M. van der Sluis, and X. Petridis.

Int. Endod. J. 55(7), 758–771 (2022).. 


Super-resolved microbubble localization in single-channel ultrasound RF signals using deep learning.
Nathan Blanken, Jelmer M. Wolterink, Hervé Delingette, Christoph Brune, Michel Versluis, and Guillaume Lajoinie.
IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 41(9), 2532–2542 (2022). 


High-frame-rate contrast-enhanced ultrasound particle image velocimetry in patients with a stented superficial femoral artery: a feasibility study.
Majorie van Helvert, Stefan Engelhard, Jason Voorneveld, Marije van der Vee, Johan G. Bosch, Michel Versluis, Erik Groot Jebbink, and Michel M. P. J. Reijnen.
Eur. Radiol. Exp. 6:32 (2022). 


Computational Fluid Dynamics for the prediction of endograft thrombosis in the superficial femoral artery.
Lennart van de Velde, Erik Groot Jebbink, Rob Hagmeijer, Michel Versluis, and Michel M.P.J. Reijnen.

J. Endovasc. Ther. (on-line, 2022).


Evaluation of liposome-loaded microbubbles as theranostic tool in murine collagen-induced arthritis.

Joke Deprez, Silke Roovers, Guillaume Lajoinie, Heleen Dewitte, Tine Decruy, Julie Coudenys, Benedicte Descamps, Christian Vanhove, Michel Versluis, Dirk Elewaut, Peggy Jacques, Stefaan C. De Smedt, and Ine Lentacker

Sci. Pharm. 90(1), 17 (2022).


The Supera interwoven nitinol stent as a flow diverting configuration in popliteal aneurysms.

L. van de Velde, E. Groot Jebbink, B.A. Zambrano, M. Versluis, J. Tessarek, and M.M.P.J. Reijnen.

Cardiovasc. Intervent. Radiol. 45, 858–866 (2022).


Resonance behavior of a compliant piezo-driven inkjet channel with an entrained microbubble.

Hans Reinten, Yogesh Jethani, Arjan Fraters, Roger Jeurissen, Detlef Lohse, Michel Versluis, and Tim Segers.

J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 151(4), 2524-2557 (2022). 


Blood flow quantification with high-frame-rate contrast–enhanced ultrasound velocimetry in stented aortoiliac arteries: in vivo feasibility.
Stefan Engelhard, Majorie van Helvert, Jason Voorneveld, Johan G. Bosch, Guillaume Lajoinie, Erik Groot Jebbink, Michel M.P.J. Reijnen, and Michel Versluis.

Ultrasound Med. Biol. 48(8), 1518-1527 (2022). 

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